Our research goal is to understand the molecular mechanisms of neuronal differentiation,
brain wiring and functional development of our brain. For this purpose,
we analyze the functions of the genes which are involved in the brain development using mice and zebrafish as model animals.
We use the results from these studies to develop the novel therapeutic approaches of neuronal regeneration.
We further study the molecular mechanisms of higher brain functions such as learning, memory and emotion.
These studies will help us to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders and contribute
to develop the novel therapeutic methods of these human disorders.

For Prospective Students
Our research goal is to understand how the brain develops at molecular
level. Using model mice and zebrafish, we study molecualr mechanisms of
neurogenesis, neuoronal migration, integration, and how these processes
contribute to the brain function.If you are interested in working with
us, please contact Prof. Ohshima.
Toshio Ohshima M.D., Ph.D. E-mail ohshima@waseda.jp
2-2 Wakamatu-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
TEL +81-3-5369-7321, FAX +81-3-5369-7302